Learn technical skills that will aid in the life long pursuit of whitewater kayaking!
The mission of our Level 3 camp is to implement instruction of skills that will aid in the pursuit of a lifelong paddler. In this program, we focus on learning the kayak roll, kayak surfing, navigation on more continuous stretches of whitewater, and we will be completing a safety skills clinic. This program is for students who think kayaking may be something they want to pursue more seriously.
Day 1
The first day of this program is spent at the Avon Rec Center pool to introduce the kayak roll with time to practice and work on consistency.
Day 2
The second day will be a whitewater safety and surfing clinic on the river. In the first half of the second day, we teach kids safety and rescue skills. These skills include How to use throw ropes, swim rapids safely, hand signals, scout rapids, and more. In the second half of the day, we introduce surfing our kayaks and more roll practice in large eddies on the river.
Day 3-4
The final two days of camp are spent running stretches of river. These stretches of river are more continuous class 2 stretches with a couple of class 3 rapids being the hardest whitewater the students will see. Each class 3 rapid will be scouted as a team and an option to walk the rapid is always available to students.
Recommended Age: 13 to 17 years old
Required Experience: Our level 2 program, (previously known as teen camp) or our overnight program, or some other comparable experience. As with all our programs competency in swimming is a must. All students in our programs are issued a whitewater life jacket that is worn at all times on the water.
Cost: $495 if booked before March 1st
$525 if booked after March 1st
From 9AM-3PM
Monday - Thursday
Monday: Drop off at Avon Rec Center Pick up at Battle Mountain Highschool
Tuesday: Drop off at the former Yacht Club in Wolcott and pick up at Battle Mountain High School
Wednesday: Drop off at the Wolcott Camp Ground and pick up at Battle Mountain High School
Thursday: Drop off at the Water Sanitation District in Edwards and pick up at Battle Mountain High School
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